3 Arrested during Nabi Saleh Demonstration

By Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, 8 June 2012

Three international solidarity activists were arrested during the weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh this week. The army used anti-riot gear inside populated areas, shooting tear-gas canister and spraying “skunk” water into homes.

Dozens joined the weekly demonstration at Nabi Saleh this week, which marked 45 years to the “Naksa” – 1967 war which ended with the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Making its way from the center of the village towards the main road of the village, protesters were met by the “skunk”, a water cannon spraying foul-smelling liquid, and a volley of tear-gas canisters. As the demonstrators were dispersing and regrouping, soldiers marched into the village and started making arrests. Picture by Ahmad al-Bazz/Activestills

Picture by Ahmad al-Bazz/Activestills

Three international activists were detained on no grounds, only to be released at the end of the demonstration. The skunk truck also proceeded into the residential areas of the village, spurting the fetid liquid into homes for clearly no other reason than vengeance. A group of protesters who began making their way to the villages confiscated spring was attacked with a volley of tear-gas, fired from a launcher which shoots dozens of canisters at once. The demonstration ended with some clashes, however no serious injuries were reported.

video by David Reeb