Nabi Saleh demonstration: “The People Wants the End of Oslo

By Anarchists Against the Wall: 2 August 2011

Some 60 Nabi Saleh residents and their international and Israeli supporters held on Friday (2 Sept) the first weekly demonstration after Ramadan, demanding an end to the occupation and to the Oslo accords and peace processes that sustain it.

The procession was able to reach outside of the village’s built area and onto the hill that overlooks the village’s spring, which is, along with the surrounding village’s lands, threatened by settlers’ annexation. Typically, at the time of the demo, these lands were foreclosed by the Israeli army and border police which began shooting tear gas from below and above the descending protesters. While the Israeli soldiers and police forces avoided for the most part from entering the village’s built area, they did encircle that area and did not cease their habit of firing tear gas into that area, on and around houses, putting the village’s population under attack and not allowing for peaceful demonstrating to take place. These measures were sure followed by clashes between the Israeli forces and unarmed civilians throwing stones in an attempt to ward off the military incursion.

At a certain point the Israeli forces started shooting live ammunition above the heads of civilians. A few people were hit and injured by the many tear gas canisters shot during the long hours of a sunny day.

Video by Israel Puterman

Video by Tamimi Press