Nabi Saleh suffers another chemical attack

By Popular Struggle Coordination Committee: 3 June 2011

Roughly 60 protesters gathered for the weekly demonstration against the occupation in Nabi Saleh this week around noon. Long before the demonstration had started, the Israeli military had taken up positions throughout the village and sealed the entrance/exit points. As the nonviolent demonstration began, the army attacked the protesters with tear gas and stun grenades. Determined, the protesters including many supporters from Israel, Ramallah and Europe, regrouped and continued to sing songs of unity against the occupation.

For roughly three hours, protesters held strong in front of tear gas from soldiers. There was not a single stone thrown for the first five hours of demonstration. Despite this strong showing of nonviolence, soldiers continued to shot tear gas throughout the village. Groups of 4-5 soldiers moved in and out of the village looking for Palestinian youth and coming up empty handed.

As the sun began to set, the army brought in the “skunk” and sprayed civilian houses and their water supply with the chemical mixture. A small fight broke out among Palestinians about an impromptu barrier that was created to keep the skunk truck from the center of the village. The demonstration ended with no injuries or arrests.

Video by Tamimi Press